E-flurrying. An e-letter committing to tithing. There are now 2 persons committed to tithing and I am one of them.
17.51 The Minx & I went to lunch in Worcester with a leading organiser of memorabilia events & his wife, who have a shop in the city.
Now that’s what I call food I…
Interesting: a comment that fell from my lips at lunch, one that is uncharacteristic, overheard by that part of me trained to listen to what falls from my lips.
Returning to further organising & packing for Argentina.
18.53 E-flurrying.
A license application from Japan for Easy Money.
Terra Firma Agrees to Buy EMI for 2.4 Billion Pounds (Update3)
By Aisha Phoenix
May 21 (Bloomberg) -- Guy Hands’s Terra Firma Capital Partners Ltd. agreed to buy EMI Group Plc for 2.4 billion pounds ($4.7 billion), raising the prospect of a takeover battle for the record label of the Beatles and Coldplay… ``EMI is suffering from what all the majors have suffered from, the decline in physical sales of CDs,’’ said Theresa Wise, a media analyst at Accenture in London. ``They have invested in digital music sales, but those aren’t climbing as fast as traditional sales are falling,’’ she said.
Interesting. Within the industry, the music publishing division is often considered as being perhaps (at least) twice the value of the record side. Why does the sale figure not reflect this? Were I acquiring EMI with my spare £2.4 billion, I’d sell off the music side for a huge profit, then sell the record side for not much less than I paid for it. But then, what do I know?
19.10 Reflecting on the Guitar Craft Institute of Research & Practice.
19.57 A walk around town.
21.05 Evening views I…